Information for COVID-19 Operating Procedures for ACCAD Community and Spaces


You can always find the most up-to-date information about the university’s guidelines and requirements for our campuses at  Safe and Healthy Buckeyes. Because this information changes frequently, you are encouraged to review it frequently. 


In settings where masks are optional, students, faculty, staff and visitors can decide on an individual basis whether or not they will continue to wear a mask – with the exception of the following situation:  If you test positive or are exposed to COVID-19 - Individuals must follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines — including those related to wearing a mask for at least 10 days — if they test positive for COVID-19 or are exposed to someone with the virus.


Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching common surfaces. If soap and water are not available, 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used. Bottles of hand sanitizer will be placed in each ACCAD space, for your convenience. Please keep the sanitizer in each room for the safety and ease of others. 

Workstations in Labs:  ACCAD provided cleaning wipes that may be used on keyboards, mice and worksurfaces.  DO NOT use these wipes on monitor screens. Workstation cleaning will be the responsibility of each user, although cleaning supplies will be provided by ACCAD for each room. Individuals should clean and disinfect shared workspaces before use including wiping keyboards, mice, desktops and chairs before use. Shared spaces and high-touch surfaces will require more frequent disinfection and cleaning.

Kitchen Area:  The kitchen sink and third floor restroom will serve as a hand washing station. ACCAD will provide soap and hand towels for hand washing. Individuals should thoroughly wash their hands before and after workstation use.