Toward a Digital Humanities Support Network

Toward a Digital Humanities Support Network

Project Team

Project Co-PIs:
Maria Palazzi, Director–ACCAD | Professor–Design
David Staley, Director–Humanities Institute | Professor–History
Leigh Bonds, Assistant Professor, Digital Humanities Librarian–University Libraries
Matt Lewis, Assistant Professor–Design/ACCAD | TDAI Core Faculty

UX/UI Designer:
Taylor Olsen

Graduate Research Assistants:
Gabriela Miniello, UI Designer, Department of Design
Li Zhao, Subject Researcher, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures

Faculty Researchers:
Marjorie Chan, Associate Professor East Asian Languages & Literature
Philip Gleissner, Assistant Professor, Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
Harry Eli Kashdan, University of Pennsylvania, Wolf Humanities Center, Post-Doc
Pat Sieber, Associate Professor East Asian Languages & Literature

Project Description

The Ohio State University’s faculty and graduate students have been applying digital humanities (DH) approaches to research for decades. This expansion of DH practice has reached a point that necessitates establishing cohesive, sustainable cross-disciplinary support and resources. Since conducting an environmental scan in 2016-17, Digital Humanities Librarian Leigh Bonds has advocated for the adoption of a “network model”—“a linked network of units, groups, and practitioners who contribute expertise to the overall pool” (Educause Center for Analysis and Research, “Building Capacity for Digital Humanities: A Framework for Institutional Planning,” 2017). This project undertakes the construct of this network and the implementation of a web publishing platform for digital collections, drawing upon established expertise in a variety of units—ACCAD, Libraries, and Humanities Institute, to support both funded and unfunded faculty and graduate student research through collaboration, consultation, instruction, and referrals within the network. 

Chinese Theater Collaborative/華語戲聚

The home page of the Chinese Theater Collaborative/華語戲聚 website, which features the CTC logo in front of a series of images that have ties to Chinese theater.


The Chinese Theater Collaborative website offers tools for learning about the rich history of traditional Chinese drama and its contemporary interpretations.

A page of the new Chinese Theater Collaborative website, called Resources for Plays.


One of the resources provided by the website is an extensive list of Chinese plays for the user to select from. Each play is described and analyzed in detail in the educational modules linked. 

The Covid Food Archive

The COVID Food Archive home page, featuring a banner image of hands kneading dough.


The Covid Food Archive is a digital archive that invites users to share how they ate during the pandemic by contributing media to the website. 

A page of the COVID Food Archive website, titled Browse All Items. The page shows various recipes.


The "Browse All Items" page of the Covid Food Archive allows users to sift through the recipes, stories, and images posted to the archive. 

Partial funding for this project was provided by: 
Centers and Institutes Grants | Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Themes, College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University